NBA 2K16 MyPark 3v3 VS PrettyBoyFredo and Savage Squad Hoopers (SSH) EXPOSED! We beat Pretty boy Fredo last night at 3 a.m. and snapped his 30 game win streak with his Savage Squad Hoopers teammates. This was also live streamed on Fredos Twitch account with about 7,000 live viewers! ABSOLUTELY NO HATE to my man Fredo or SSH, all of my friends and I watch everyone of his videos. Congratulations to Fredo on 600K!! This was such a good game, I hope you guys enjoyed the video. This video took about 6 hours to upload from taking clips from the livestream, editing, and render So PLEASE show your support by dropping a like on the video and please consider subscribing :)\r
THE EXPOSING IS NOT BY THE FINAL SCORE. Its by his stats, he went 2/7 got blocked 4 times and his guy went 6/6. Yes we beat them by 2, but that doesnt matter its his stats that hate tho\r
Guys this video is NOT meant to hate Fredo, hes a great man and it was a fun game. Please watch the ENTIRE video as it includes funny Fredo Reions from his stream in it! Thanks for reading!\r
Its not the final score that was an exposing its his stats. He got blocked 4 times, went 2/7, and his guy went 6/6 on him. Not hating on Fredo tho just a gg\r
if you watch the ending of the video I already mentioned how if CK was playing they probably couldve won.\r
That was our first game ever playing together like we just met so the chemistry just wasnt there yet. \r
THIS VIDEO WAS FOR COMEDIC PURPOSES based on the editing :)\r
This was on 6/5/2016\r
Subscribe to Fredo - Reach 700K!\r
Darkstar - Code Black\r
Josh \r
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PSN: Deionteh23\r
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Connect with me!\r
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‣ PSN: mbj920\r
‣ KIK: mbj920\r
Fredo losing isnt the exposing part, its Fredos stats in the game. He got blocked 4 times, went 2/7, and his guy went 6/6 on him. Not hating on Fredo tho just a gg\r
Pretty boy Fredo rage quit rage quit rage quit rage quit\r
I beat pretty boy Fredo I beat pretty boy Fredo I beat pretty boy Fredo I beat pretty boy Fredo ssh\r
PrettyBoyFredo exposed pretty boy Fredo exposed exposing pretty boy Fredo NBA 2k16 my park mypark vs Fredo river city play against prettyboyfredo 3v3 PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed PrettyBoyFredo exposed\r
Exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing exposing\r
Pretty boy Fredo exposing\r
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